How do you clean your house?


DIS Veteran
Mar 30, 2008
Disclamer: I have worked only 2 days of the last 19 and obviously have too much time on my hands, because I'm spending way too much time in the DISboards and am thinking of things like how I can improve my housekeeping skills!

I am intrigued by the "Do you reuse your towels" thread and how it has progressed and it got me wondering how other people go about keeping their house clean. I feel rather inadeqate in my housekeeping abilities. I have a few friends that have homes that are always company ready and even greatly resemble model homes. Yes, they have kids, and No, I have no idea how they do it, but I am envious!

We clean the main floor (LR, DR, FR, Kitchen, Toy room, laundry room, bathroom, foyer) every week in one day, top to bottom.

We clean the 2nd floor (3 BR, Loft stairs and landing, 2 baths,) every other week. I would like for this to be cleaned weekly, but it usually gets bumped for weekend plans or a special project that takes priority.

In between cleanings: empty garbage cans, extra toilet cleanings, general tidying, my kitchen counters get cleaned daily and appliances get wiped down almost every day, spot cleaning/vacuuming as needed, special projects (organize a drawer, cabinet, closet, whatever)

The good part about this plan is that the weekly cleaning is a "family" responsibility. Everyone's involved. The bad part is that it kills the weekend and I have other ideas for "family time".

I am thinking about trying a "room/area a day" approach. I don't think any room can go more than 10 days without a top to bottom cleaning and I'd prefer it to be done every 7. So if I can consolidate my 14 areas into 7-10 and have a day by day plan, I think I can achieve this. (I'm not even gonna talk about the garage or basement!) However, I know my DH has no problem cleaning on weekends, but likes his butt parked on the couch every weeknight. I will be going this alone! I am thinking he can pick up a "special project" every weekend and he is getting off easy!

Since the kids are older, I am thinking they should be completely responsible for the toy room, their rooms and bathroom. They do most of their basic room cleaning anyway (minus washing the floors, wiping baseboards, washing curtains, dusting ceiling fans). The bathroom will require my assistance, but I think I'm going to try to turn it all (except the toilet and shower tile) over to them. Is this unreasonable? I can assign (chart) them a small daily task so they are also not spending their entire Saturday cleaning either. I am OK with their areas being on a 10 day breakdown/schedule. I will pick up toilet duty every few days.

This brings me down to 10 rooms and I think eventually I can consolidate a couple and make this a 7 day routine. There are certain things I can't figure out, though. Our 1st floor is almost entirely hardwood. Do I clean it all at once or room by room? Will I feel like my house is always clean or will it seem like it is never clean (because it's not all freshly cleaned at once)? Is this going to be any easier?!!!

So, how do you do it?
I try to do the stuff. She gives you a handle on a routine that you customize for you to hit all the highlights, then work on those areas that otherwise might not see the light of day.

I like her, because she starts you off in small babysteps, and it's up to you to move forward.

She uses "zones" and missions of the day, etc. Unfortunately time on the disboards isn't covered....:rolleyes1:lmao:
My personality requires that my space be orderly and clean. So I keep our house pretty tidy (except for the kids' rooms! :laughing:) and clean/dust as needed. :)

We have a much smaller space than you, though, (1100 sq feet 3 bed/2 bath).

I am a SAHM, which also makes it easier. I am able to clean and do laundry during the week, which frees up our weekends for fun/family things.
I pick up, dust, clean the bathrooms and kitchen. Floors are last. Always have music going!
Some might call me OCD but I actually have a schedule. Mondays and Thursdays I do both living areas, dining and kitchen, tues and fri I do all three baths, office and master. My son is in charge of his room completely and my husband and son clean the rec room together as needed. Wednesday and sun are laundry days. Wed I wash bedding too. My husband thinks its a bit obsessive but most days two hours at the most is spent cleaning and that includes daily chores like dishes. Laundry of course takes most of the day but only a small amount of time is spent actually doing work most is waiting. Today I started around 8 and was done by 9:15. It's quicker because it never gets that dirty. Of course I work from home so I have more free time than many to do such things.
I do most of the laundry as I like to wash more than 1 pair of jeans, 1 shirt, 1 pair of socks and 1 pair of undies at a time :furious: (dd)

For the rest we have a housekeeper that comes in twice a week to really keep the house looking nice.

The kids will run the vaccuum and load/unload the dishwasher as needed.

DH is also great about helping out too, but he has a high pressure job and supports the family, I don't think he needs to do as much at home.
I clean in spurts. I have no routine at all. If its dirty, I clean it.

I vacuum the hardwood floors downstairs several times a week because of dog hair and just the general mess and crumbs left behind by a 2 year old.

I clean the masterbath and half bath once a week. DH does the shower usually.

DD dusts for me about once a week but it could really stand to be done more than that. She is also in charge of her room and bathroom now.

I probably vacuum DS's room every other week becuase it just doesn't get that dirty as he's only really in there to sleep.

My downfall is mopping and I don't do it nearly enough. I hate mopping and it hurts my back. DD isn't quite old enough to do it properly so it just doesn't get done enough. I'd love to hire someone to come in and mop every other week for me but I keep putting it off in hopes that I will somehow learn to love mopping and not have to spend the money.

Dishes and all the little stuff are also done as needed. I work full time and don't want to spend my whole weekend cleaning. I'd rather hang out with my kids so I try to do a little here a little there.

Whoever was talking about wiping down baseboards and stuff is making me look bad. That is not on my normal cleaning list at all. Its a once in a while type thing. I might run the vacuum extension along there but as far as actually getting down there with a rag, its been awhile. But they look clean to me. The ceiling fan in our bedroom gets dusted maybe once a month or whenever one of us notices a layer of dust on the ends.
Hire a housekeeper. There is no way I want to clean my 3200 sq ft, 4bed/3.5 bath house. I went to college so I wouldn't have to do manual labor.:confused3

Housekeeper comes every Friday, she washes all the bed linens and towels and changes all the sheets along with all the mopping, dusting, vacuuming, toilet cleaning and heavy kitchen cleaning,etc.

I load the dishwasher and wipe down the counters after cooking, but I generally try to make whatever "messy" dish (spaghetti, frying, etc) I am craving on a Thursday night so that the stove will get a nice cleaning before the weekend.
Hire a housekeeper. There is no way I want to clean my 3200 sq ft, 4bed/3.5 bath house. I went to college so I wouldn't have to do manual labor.:confused3

Housekeeper comes every Friday, she washes all the bed linens and towels and changes all the sheets along with all the mopping, dusting, vacuuming, toilet cleaning and heavy kitchen cleaning,etc.

I load the dishwasher and wipe down the counters after cooking, but I generally try to make whatever "messy" dish (spaghetti, frying, etc) I am craving on a Thursday night so that the stove will get a nice cleaning before the weekend.

I went to college, too. Doesn't mean I'm above "manual labor".
I try to ignore the dust until thursday, because that's the day the housekeeper comes :rotfl2:.
Unfortunately that doesn't always work and I really don't know how three people can make a house so dirty. I vacuum every day and keep the bathrooms clean.
For the rest we have a housekeeper that comes in twice a week to really keep the house looking nice.

My late MIL did that, never understood that because she always cleaned the night before the housekeeper came.

DW used to do a top to bottom cleaning once a week, kids and I broke her of that, about once every 4 or 5 weeks now, takes about 4 hours.

DW stepmother sweeps then mops the entire house every day. Used to wipe down the walls and ceiling every day until her arthritis got bad, now she does it once a week. She had all the carpet taken out and vinyl flooring put in the entire house because sweeping and mopping is easier on her hands than vaccuuming.
My late MIL did that, never understood that because she always cleaned the night before the housekeeper came.
I used to laugh at my grandmother because she did the same. Well, when I got my housekeeper a few years ago I considered letting her go after a few weeks because cleaning the house every wednesday evening in order to avoid embarassement stressed me out :rotfl:.
Eventually I got over it and feel only a little shame nowadays when the house looks especially awful, but cleaning for the housekeeper seems to be a common behaviour all over the world.
mimmi said:
I used to laugh at my grandmother because she did the same. Well, when I got my housekeeper a few years ago I considered letting her go after a few weeks because cleaning the house every wednesday evening in order to avoid embarassement stressed me out :rotfl:.
Eventually I got over it and feel only a little shame nowadays when the house looks especially awful, but cleaning for the housekeeper seems to be a common behaviour all over the world.

I let mine go after two weeks because of this. I also have a 3000 sq ft house but having someone else see our mess was too much for me.
Daily, I clean the kitchen, pick up the living room, scoop cat litter, make meals and run DH's dialysis treatment.

As needed, I vacuum, sweep and mop the kitchen/hall, do laundry.

Once a week, I clean both bathrooms, wash bedding, dust.
As needed (monthly or whenever)--windows, garage, baseboards, etc.

DS9 is responsible for feeding and watering the cat and dog twice daily, and putting away the silverware/cooking utensils daily. Weekly, he has to clean up the dog mess in the backyard. He also has to put away his own clothes as they are cleaned. He is learning to cook (just learned quesadillas and grilled cheese over Christmas break), so once a week he has to spend time in the kitchen with me. He can clean the bathrooms, and does them once a month to keep in practice. (I followed the same schedule with the girls when they were growing up.) He can run the vacuum, dust and fold clothes as well, he just doesn't have to do them regularly.

My kids have always been responsible for their bedrooms and their stuff. Keep it out of the common areas (living room, kitchen, dining room) or it's fair game for mom to read or trash!
Well if you choose to spend your limited resource (time) doing low value work (housekeeping) then that is your choice, but part of my analysis for earning a college degree was higher salary that allowed me to spend my limited resource (time) doing things that I value (spending time friends, visiting family) but if you choose to value housework over family and friends then have at it.

That came across rather....rude, don't you think?
I actually had a set cleaning schedule when the kids were younger. I did certain things on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

But now that it's just been DH and myself for several years, I clean it when it gets dirty. It's much easier to keep the house clean with just the two of us.


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