We're Doing Disney Again Someday...Plus One! ~ Come Read my Trip Report!!!

I love the video tour. Princess Isabella has a very pretty room!

I was folding laundry last night and for some reason I thought, I wonder if Dugette is in labour. You still pregnant??
You are so close! I love the finishing touches to the nursery!
Thank you! I can't believe that when people ask the due date the answer is "in 2 days!"

Oohhh.. I just noticed you got her one of those nifty purple turtles! Those look too neat. It lights up, right?
Yes, it is very cool! It projects stars all over the ceiling (with three colors to choose from). We had wanted to put glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, but this was WAY easier! :thumbsup2 Bailey does have a love/hate relationship with the turtle, though. She either wants to bark at it or eat it, depending on the moment. :rotfl:

This room has so much Disney in it. Still lovin it! The video tour was pretty fun. You got a big "coooooool" from Blake when I checked it out earlier today. :rotfl:
That's awesome! Thanks, Blakers! :goodvibes

I love the video tour. Princess Isabella has a very pretty room!
Thank you!

I was folding laundry last night and for some reason I thought, I wonder if Dugette is in labour. You still pregnant??
Still am! I got a lot of "you're still here?"s and such at work today, though. But all is well. 40 week appointment on Friday.
The nursery is super cute! Love the nursery as well. Good luck with the birth. I am sure it will turn out great!
Good luck! Hope she comes soon! I know it gets REAL uncomfortable after 40 weeks. And really depressing too. Just keep telling yourself that no one stays pregnant forever...even though it really feels like it. I know...Caden was almost 2 weeks late!! I was convinced I was never going to get him out! But he's out now and AWESOME! :thumbsup2
I logged on hoping to find Dug Baby had made her grand entrance. I have had you on my mind today and have had a strong urge to keep praying for you and her. I will continue to pray as you anxiously await your beautiful princess.
The nursery is super cute! Love the nursery as well. Good luck with the birth. I am sure it will turn out great!
Thank you very much! :goodvibes Hopefully things go well. I feel like I've been very lucky so far pregnancy-wise, so hopefully it continues through the birth! (Also, I've lurked your PTR and just wanted to wish you all the best, as I can relate somewhat to your journey - 2 years of TTC here - and know how challenging it can be. You have a great attitude and I hope your wait isn't too much longer!)

Good luck! Hope she comes soon! I know it gets REAL uncomfortable after 40 weeks. And really depressing too. Just keep telling yourself that no one stays pregnant forever...even though it really feels like it. I know...Caden was almost 2 weeks late!! I was convinced I was never going to get him out! But he's out now and AWESOME! :thumbsup2
I remember how late Caden was! I sure hope she doesn't hang out that long. I'm okay with a few extra days, but I don't want to have to be thinking about inductions and such, so I hope she cooperates! I still can't believe that tomorrow is actually the due date...it always seemed so far away! It'll be weird to (probably) see it come and go! And I bet it's uncomfortable after 40 weeks. As it is, standing is exhausting (walking is okay, though), trying to twist/turn is ridiculous (like to check traffic behind you), and picking things up off the floor is quite a challenge (and, of course, I feel like I'm dropping things on the floor ALL THE TIME now). I'm sure the list only gets longer at 41 or 42 weeks!

I logged on hoping to find Dug Baby had made her grand entrance. I have had you on my mind today and have had a strong urge to keep praying for you and her. I will continue to pray as you anxiously await your beautiful princess.
No grand entrance yet, but thank you for your message and prayers! Very much appreciated! :goodvibes Today is my mom's birthday and she was hoping to get a granddaughter on her birthday, but I think she's out of luck on that, since it's 8pm with nothing going on. Her new prediction is the 10th (which is also SIL's birthday)...we'll see! So strange to know that something so big is coming, but to have no idea when!

I'll keep you all posted!
Just a quick update tonight. Still waiting on Dug Baby, but today is her due date, so here's the 40 week picture:


Thanks for the thoughts and good wishes for us! We'll see when she decides to show up!
Good luck! I recommend dinner at a nice french restaurant - works every time!
It's the big day!! Or not, it seems. :rotfl: I hope she decides to come soon. I didn't make it so long with either of mine, so I can't even imagine how uncomfortable it must be for you. The excitement would make me crazy, too! I hope everything goes well and will be thinking of you.
Good luck! I recommend dinner at a nice french restaurant - works every time!
Oh, so when we ended up going to Chili's last night for dinner, that doesn't count? :rotfl: This is actually DIS-related: Chili's sent me an email with a picture of their new pretzel breadsticks! They also had recently sent me a free appetizer coupon, so we had to go try free pretzel bread! Not as good as Le Cellier, but tasty and came with a side of cheese sauce for dipping. :thumbsup2

If things really take awhile, there is a nice French restaurant in town that we haven't been to for awhile, so I'll have to keep that in mind... :idea:

It's the big day!! Or not, it seems. :rotfl: I hope she decides to come soon. I didn't make it so long with either of mine, so I can't even imagine how uncomfortable it must be for you. The excitement would make me crazy, too! I hope everything goes well and will be thinking of you.
Yeah, big day came and went, uneventfully. I am lucky that I have generally felt pretty good, so I'm just trying to enjoy this "bonus" weekend that Dug Baby apparently wants us to have. :) Getting some extra things done, relaxing, extra sleep, etc. I'm hoping she doesn't get super late, but I've had it in my head the whole time that this was likely, since I was a week late and my brother was 3 weeks late! :eek: Thanks for the thoughts! :goodvibes
I'm hoping she doesn't get super late, but I've had it in my head the whole time that this was likely, since I was a week late and my brother was 3 weeks late! :eek: Thanks for the thoughts! :goodvibes

Your brother was THREE WEEKS LATE??? your poor poor mother!!!
Someone forget to tell Dug baby her due date :lmao: Have you had an ultrasound since your due date? The OB I'm working with right now starts doing weekly ultrasounds starting at 41 weeks to make sure the baby is safe and sound, once due dates come and go sometimes babies run out of room inside the placenta... Stay safe and well and hopefully you have a great extra weekend and she'll come on Monday and you'll have the world's easiest labor!!

I'm somewhat new to the Disboards and just found this thread! Haven't had a chance to read all the way through yet, but wanted to say congrats on your soon-to-be-here little daughter!! My husband and I just welcomed our own first little one into the world (also a little princess) in July and are already planning her first trip to WDW for October 2013! She'll be 15mos! I'm excited to follow your planning for, from what I've read so far, so correct me if I'm wrong, a similar trip next year!! I'm a bit anxious for our first child-accompanied trip and what will only be my husband's second visit (my 13th). We are planning to go with my parents and sister, so I know that will help, but interested to see some insight from someone traveling to WDW for the first time with little one in tow as well! :-)
Your brother was THREE WEEKS LATE??? your poor poor mother!!!
Yeah, my mom's story has varied from about 2.5 weeks to a month, but I think it really was probably about 3 weeks. I guess it was more common back then to let people go longer. And my brother did come out all wrinkly and without much vernix left on him, which is common with very late babies. Hoping Dug Baby is more prompt than that! :rotfl:

Someone forget to tell Dug baby her due date :lmao: Have you had an ultrasound since your due date? The OB I'm working with right now starts doing weekly ultrasounds starting at 41 weeks to make sure the baby is safe and sound, once due dates come and go sometimes babies run out of room inside the placenta... Stay safe and well and hopefully you have a great extra weekend and she'll come on Monday and you'll have the world's easiest labor!!
No ultrasounds since 20 weeks. However, we do need to have one at 41 weeks, if we go that far. If things look good on that, they'll let people go up to 42 weeks before inducing. Our midwife explained that the placenta deteriorates at a different pace for different people and the ultrasound and monitoring they do at 41 weeks helps to determine if it's still supporting the baby as much as needed. Then they decide what's best from there. And thank you for the great weekend and easy labor wishes! We've had a nice "bonus" day today and had some spicy-ish food for dinner tonight, so we'll see what tomorrow brings!


I'm somewhat new to the Disboards and just found this thread! Haven't had a chance to read all the way through yet, but wanted to say congrats on your soon-to-be-here little daughter!! My husband and I just welcomed our own first little one into the world (also a little princess) in July and are already planning her first trip to WDW for October 2013! She'll be 15mos! I'm excited to follow your planning for, from what I've read so far, so correct me if I'm wrong, a similar trip next year!! I'm a bit anxious for our first child-accompanied trip and what will only be my husband's second visit (my 13th). We are planning to go with my parents and sister, so I know that will help, but interested to see some insight from someone traveling to WDW for the first time with little one in tow as well! :-)
:welcome: and congratulations on your little princess! princess: Yes, it does sound like we're looking at similar trips...only you'll have Food & Wine and we'll have Christmas. But she should also be around 15 months old and this will be a whole new world! I'm sure that will be nice to have your parents and sister around for help, as needed. I'm excited to get into planning more details after she's here and all...I hope it helps you too! :goodvibes
Dugette said:
Yeah, my mom's story has varied from about 2.5 weeks to a month, but I think it really was probably about 3 weeks. I guess it was more common back then to let people go longer. And my brother did come out all wrinkly and without much vernix left on him, which is common with very late babies. Hoping Dug Baby is more prompt than that! :rotfl:

No ultrasounds since 20 weeks. However, we do need to have one at 41 weeks, if we go that far. If things look good on that, they'll let people go up to 42 weeks before inducing. Our midwife explained that the placenta deteriorates at a different pace for different people and the ultrasound and monitoring they do at 41 weeks helps to determine if it's still supporting the baby as much as needed. Then they decide what's best from there. And thank you for the great weekend and easy labor wishes! We've had a nice "bonus" day today and had some spicy-ish food for dinner tonight, so we'll see what tomorrow brings!

:welcome: and congratulations on your little princess! princess: Yes, it does sound like we're looking at similar trips...only you'll have Food & Wine and we'll have Christmas. But she should also be around 15 months old and this will be a whole new world! I'm sure that will be nice to have your parents and sister around for help, as needed. I'm excited to get into planning more details after she's here and all...I hope it helps you too! :goodvibes

Lol!! Yeah. My story gets longer occasionally. He was actually 1 week 3 days late. But that's close enough to 2 weeks!! Felt like 8 weeks!

I had to get the ultrasound monitoring twice. It was kinda fun to see him though. That last ultrasound was the day before I was induced and he looked like a real baby in the picture. It really helped me get thru the next 36 hrs. I was suddenly reminded that I was getting a baby out of this. Cause by then I really just wanted to not be pregnant any more. The baby was just a cool extra. :P
Lol!! Yeah. My story gets longer occasionally. He was actually 1 week 3 days late. But that's close enough to 2 weeks!! Felt like 8 weeks!

I had to get the ultrasound monitoring twice. It was kinda fun to see him though. That last ultrasound was the day before I was induced and he looked like a real baby in the picture. It really helped me get thru the next 36 hrs. I was suddenly reminded that I was getting a baby out of this. Cause by then I really just wanted to not be pregnant any more. The baby was just a cool extra. :P
I think you're allowed to claim 2 weeks! :rotfl: I guess that would be the one cool thing about going to 41 weeks...being able to see her again...it's been 20+ weeks and she's grown a lot!

And, yes, we're still waiting. Went for a long walk through our neighborhood today, though (this is the rose garden):


Beautiful day! And it's been a nice, relaxing weekend. Not really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, though! :sad:
Three weeks?? I can't even imagine that. Hope Dug Baby shows up a little earlier than that! I'm so glad you're still feeling okay though. Andrew was about a week early, and Blake was 2.5wks, I think. I was so miserable! It's crazy to me to see you out walking around, and still working past your due date. :laughing: (I was on bed rest with both!) So glad you've had a healthy pregnancy and I'm still hoping for an easy delivery!
Dugette said:
I think you're allowed to claim 2 weeks! :rotfl: I guess that would be the one cool thing about going to 41 weeks...being able to see her again...it's been 20+ weeks and she's grown a lot!

And, yes, we're still waiting. Went for a long walk through our neighborhood today, though (this is the rose garden):

Beautiful day! And it's been a nice, relaxing weekend. Not really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, though! :sad:

Wow! What a pretty neighborhood
Dugette said:
I think you're allowed to claim 2 weeks! :rotfl: I guess that would be the one cool thing about going to 41 weeks...being able to see her again...it's been 20+ weeks and she's grown a lot!

And, yes, we're still waiting. Went for a long walk through our neighborhood today, though (this is the rose garden):

Beautiful day! And it's been a nice, relaxing weekend. Not really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, though! :sad:

Lol...sorry. Caden sent that last one before I was done.
Yeah, going back to work over due sucks. Everyone is like "hey! Aren't you supposed to have a baby now??" and really you just don't want to be reminded :P
By the end I started avoiding people cause I really just wanted to get violent every time someone mentioned it. Lol.

I hope you go soon and I can't wait to see some pics of your princess!! :)


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