Experiment-627: A Caribbean Double with a Wilderness Chaser

Chapter 9: The Shutout
(Day 6 -Friday)

Part 6: Rapid Oxidation

You lost me at Rapid Oxidation (science was DEFINITELY not my subject).

[Of course there are always more whimsical offerings as well…



Great update; and I LOVE this picture...I need to go to DTD during the day when it is light out and not at night to get some pictures.​
Heat is also being produced, but the amounts are so spread out across the time spectrum that it is realistically immeasurable.
Oh yeah? Then why do you always see hobos huddled around a rusty trash can fire to keep warm?
If the reaction is extremely fast, say in the example of rapidly combining carbon and oxygen to form carbon dioxide, the heat and light produced is rather apparent and the common name for that energy production would be: “fire”.
Ok, that may explain the rusty trashcan fire thing...

An evil purpose, but a purpose none the less. Another pivotal moment form a Disney classic (Sleeping Beauty in this instance) and another static depiction of a very chaotic moment of conflagration. A different angle better shows the details that the artists were able to bring to life with nothing more then plastic cubes and rectangles.
Where does magical green fire fit into your rust/fire/explosion scale?

From here we ended up in the ultimate "dump shop":
No, that would be the Kohler Factory Showroom.

Potty Humor! :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

And I can immediately think on one DisDad in particular that would love to have this little item sitting on his desk (that’s assuming that he doesn’t already have one of course).
Would you be surprised if he had a full scale working model in his basement? Me neither....

Nice! :thumbsup2

The patriotic bit at the end of the show is the most fun. The tunes are stirring and the images of flags and stars reminded me a lot of fireworks. Lower to the water, but still blazing brilliantly before us.
AH HA! (Sorry, I just had one of those "epiphany" moments) We've seen bits and pieces of the water pageant over the years, but never really caught the whole thing. Which was why I was a bit confused to see some of those barges being dragged across the lagoon for the 4th of July fireworks last year. What did a giant sea serpent have to do with America? Now that I know there is a patriotic element to the water pageant, and that Disney could just re-purpose a few of the elements, this shot makes more sense:

We retreated back to our room for the evening and at this point I decided it was a good time to do a little bit of laundry.
Including the sock outside the window?

Our less then stellar view was about to vastly redeem itself here. You could see the “Wishes” show from our balcony! It was more like “Silent Wishes” but a fireworks spectacular none the less.
So you got the view of wishes, plus the smell of smoking meat? I think they need to start charging a premium for that room!
So you got the view of wishes, plus the smell of smoking meat? I think they need to start charging a premium for that room!
Please... they don't need to be told to charge more for anything else. They've already got that part figured out! :headache:
So I started reading your latest update a week ago and clicked on the explosion video and I've been stuck on youtube for the last week watching old WWII clips.
Great update! Your videos worked out well. I am glad you didn't go into the details of you doing laundry though.
Howdy to all!
First off let me apologize for not getting back to this adventure a bit sooner. Life and employment in particular have been getting in the way of my working on things that I enjoy (like this bit of nonsense). It may be a few days before I can get an update posted, but I figured that I ought to try to catch back up with your comments. Being as so few folks actually follow along… that does seem like the least I could do (and never let it be said that I didn’t do the least I could).

I have enjoyed following along on your TR. From a Chemistry teacher that was a great explanation of the process of oxidation! Very well said.


Always glad to have new folks join in. I’d like to think that there are one or two folks that lurk along, but unless y’all chime in, you never really know.

Now then… thanks for the compliment (but now that you’ve offered it, may I suggest that you ignore the “Bonus Feature” that will be showering up in just a little bit here). Anyway, I’m really just kind’a rambling on about what ever strikes my fancy. It’s a game I play with myself to see if I can’t come up with an image that fits into a theme for each chapter and then tie that into some non sequitur bit of off topic-ness and then get that turned back around to my love of Disney. Some lead ins work better then others, but all of them are designed to give my regular readers as many opportunities as possible to give me a hard time.

That just makes them so happy… here let me show you what I mean…

The whole opening write up was like the teacher on Charlie Brown talking...
Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah explosion.

Now you have my attention.

See? This is what I’m talking about. But what should I expect from my nemesis?

Now see here. I did say right up front that this was not a mandatory class and that you could just move on. Actually… I figured that farmers would have to have a basic understanding of chemistry to deal with some of the hi tech fertilizers and chemicals that are in use these days to extend the yields. I suspect that you were just board because it was all basically a review for you. Right?

Oh yah, that explosion part…

Yah, that I did for the rest of the DisDads. I know how much we all enjoy such.

Would if I could... :rolleyes1

So you go back and reread the thing once you get home. I know that reading my gibberish is exactly hat you want to be doing after a long day at work.

That's pretty much the only thing I like about going to DTD.

I won’t disagree. I don’t mind the place, but the lady of the house likes to do a bit of looking around (and I like to be where ever she is, so it works for me).

So does that mean you're getting ready to turn your car in to a rocket vehicle like Barry's van?

Interesting notion. As I am actually now the “un-proud” owner of a minivan, the addition of pyrotechnics could do nothing but help the situation.

Hey look! Margaritas!

Keen eye there.
You focused right in on the central image pretty quickly didn’t ya’?

Oh yeah, that was nice too.

:sad2: (Why do I even bother).

We saw the parade a few times, but never actually were close enough to hear the soundtrack. It really is neat to see those barges glowing out there across the water. It's a unique sight.

Yep. That’s pretty much our experience. I might have caught a glimpse while waiting on a monorail or walking to the buss pavilions, but this was the first time I stopped and just enjoyed the show.

I love seeing that courtyard at night. It is a very pleasant view to return to as you step off the boat.

Yes… yes it is. The extras that come from staying at a fine resort are subtle and at times intangible, but it does heighten the experience. Even for those that are always on the go and are only in their rooms just to sleep, should slow down and try it at least once.

:scared1: You got one to split??? Why on Earth would you want to share that chocolatey delicousness????

Temporary insanity… I’ve got now better answer.

Your view kicks the @*&# out of the view I had at WL.:thumbsup2

It certainly redeemed itself. Given the minor downside and the fact that I didn’t pay extra for it… I’ll have to consider it an unexpected win. Just a little bit more magic that helped make up for not getting into the parks this time around.


Ok, getting better...
Now we're talking! :thumbsup2


I knew you’d appreciate this particular bit of digression (if you stuck with it long enough)
Nice link by the way. :thumbsup2

The Prince Philip one is my favorite. Just amazing.

I’ve seen some pretty whimsical displays over the years, but that one may be the best one I’ve encountered.

I'd be disappointed if he didn't already have it.

Must agree.
I might have to ask him about that just to make sure.

She's not bad. She's just drawn that way.

That line alone (well that and her sultry performance of the old standard “Do Right”) makes up for any potential shortcoming in that little film.

Love it! Great shot.


Definitely worth seeing once. Some might think it's cheesy or outdated, but it feels like a bit of nostalgic Disney magic to me.

Hey, a daily dose of cheese is a good thing.

Just ask Barry.

Yes… Yes it was.
That'll teach you to complain! I bet even the dirty sock looked better now.

Yah… I should have been more charitable. I mean, yah… it may have been a utility parking lot, but it was a utility parking lot at Disney! Oh, and the light from the various phosphorous and iron compounds burning in the distance did put some pretty nice highlights on that deteriorating glob of decaying synthetic fibers.

You lost me at Rapid Oxidation (science was DEFINITELY not my subject).

I suspected that I’d loose a lot of folks, but that’s fairly normal for my TRs.
I do make a point to warn y’all before heading off in the wilderness though, so if I loose you it’s partly your own fault you know.

Great update; and I LOVE this picture...I need to go to DTD during the day when it is light out and not at night to get some pictures.

You know I’m counting on you to keep the rest of us boys in line here.

Oh yeah? Then why do you always see hobos huddled around a rusty trash can fire to keep warm?

I thought about answering this but then it occurred to me that it was you talking so I probably better read the next comment first…

Ok, that may explain the rusty trashcan fire thing...

Like I said…

Where does magical green fire fit into your rust/fire/explosion scale?

Oh no you didn’t!

You realize that this question now demands that I reply in the form of a bonus feature. I’ll get beck to you on this in just a moment but be warned…

This one will be entirely you’re fault.

No, that would be the Kohler Factory Showroom.

Potty Humor! :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

And I’d expect no less from you.

Would you be surprised if he had a full scale working model in his basement?


Me neither....

Didn’t think so.


AH HA! (Sorry, I just had one of those "epiphany" moments) We've seen bits and pieces of the water pageant over the years, but never really caught the whole thing. Which was why I was a bit confused to see some of those barges being dragged across the lagoon for the 4th of July fireworks last year. What did a giant sea serpent have to do with America? Now that I know there is a patriotic element to the water pageant, and that Disney could just re-purpose a few of the elements, this shot makes more sense:

And all has been revealed.

I hope that I mentioned this when I first saw that picture, but…
Nice shot!

Including the sock outside the window?

That one seemed too far gone to be brought back, but I thought about it. Oddly enough, when I suggested to Max that he ought to climb out there and retrieve the thing; he just wasn’t all that keen on the idea.

So you got the view of wishes, plus the smell of smoking meat? I think they need to start charging a premium for that room!

This might make for a good test on whether or not the folks at Disney read these boards. If someone notices that those rooms on the northern side of the Lodge are recategorized, then we’ll have out answer.

So I started reading your latest update a week ago and clicked on the explosion video and I've been stuck on youtube for the last week watching old WWII clips.

Great update! Your videos worked out well.

Mission accomplished!
It is always my intention to send people so far off topic that they get completely lost along the way. And if you actually enjoy getting lost…
so much the better.

I am glad you didn't go into the details of you doing laundry though.

Me too also…
It just didn’t seem dignified.

And all my musings are dignified, right?


Aren’t they?


Bonus Feature 18:

Dragon’s Breath


April 1st, 2012


An evil purpose, but a purpose none the less. Another pivotal moment form a Disney classic (Sleeping Beauty in this instance) and another static depiction of a very chaotic moment of conflagration. A different angle better shows the details that the artists were able to bring to life with nothing more then plastic cubes and rectangles.

Where does magical green fire fit into your rust/fire/explosion scale

You asked a question…

You get an answer…

It fits right where its name suggests: Fire. Besides, there’s nothing magical about it (other then that Maleficent used magic to accomplish the task of transfiguration form human to dragon).

As a Wisconsinite and a man that has spent a good bit of time on dairy farms, you are well aware that all animals have a natural capacity to produce prodigious amounts of methane.


Dragons simply have the internal adaptation to allow said methane to diffuse across the lining of the intestine and into long bladders that run along the spine but within the ribs. Being lighter then air this stockpile of methane also aids in aerial momentum by allowing the animal to exhort less energy during prolonged flights. Fish use this same trick to maintain buoyancy but use other gasses to accomplish the task.


There… now that we solved the problem of a suitable (and plausible) fuel we can tackle the ignition part (and then the green part) of the question.

Humans are not the only animals to purposely ingest minerals (in our case that would be salt). Dragons also consider some mineral deposits to be both tasty and just as necessary. They are quite content to munch away on a rather common rock known as Hematite which is the mineral form of iron(III) oxide.


They do this to get at the iron, which is not plentiful enough in their preferred diet of unfortunate serfs, foolhardy Knights and arrogant nobles. The iron is broken down and used in hemoglobin production to strengthen the ability of their blood to carry oxygen (so as to again aid in the energy needed to maintain flight for such a large animal) but also to strengthen their external armor of scales, horns and teeth
(much like we use calcium for strengthening bones).

So what does this habit of munching on rocks have to do with it?

Well, another mineral that is commonly found running through Hematite deposits is Baryte (barium sulfate).
That’s the white bits mixed into this example of Hematite…


And here’s a cross section of a more typically occurring formation that includes both minerals along with a bit of dolomite and a few other common items…


As you might suspect by now, a fire breathing dragon’s taste buds are adapted to detect this mineral (just like we can taste salt). Their brains are also hardwired to cause them to crave the stuff. As such, dragons are a bit picky about which vanes of Hematite they nibble on and prefer those with higher concentrations of Baryte. Given this fact, you can see that while dragons may be common; the fire breathing verity aren’t seen the world over, but rather are concentrated in specific areas.

Once the minerals are in the body the dragon’s digestive system separates the barium form the sulfate. The sulfur compounds are exuded through the skin and breath (thus giving the dragon that characteristic smell of brimstone).


The barium is then collected and stored in glands on either side of the skull near the back of the upper jaw line. In the same spots on either side of their head is something they share with a very distant cousin. Theses are “electric organ” (sometimes called a Sach's organ) similar to those found in some types of eel.


Now we’ve got all the components that we need. So here’s how it works…

The barium glands and the Sach's organs are both connected to ducts in the back upper molars of a set of dragon’s teeth. Barium (now in the stable form of barium chloride will react fairly readily with air and a spark released form from the Sach's organ at the same time ensures that the process takes place very quickly (remember that rapid oxidation is the point of this entire discourse). Now all the dragon has to do is release a stream of methane gas form its internal reserve via tubes in the back of the throat. This combines with the oxygen in the air being simultaneously expelled from their powerful lungs, reacts with the barium reaction occurring on the molars and your there. Now you’ve got flames being propelled at high velocity toward a generally startled and unprepared foe.


Oh and as for the green of the flam… well barium radiates in a bright green hue when consumed in a flame. Don’t believe me? Just ask the folks that make fireworks.


Y’all feel free to check me on the rest of the science as well if you like. :rolleyes:

I have been lurking a bit on both of your on-going trip reports, and enjoyiong myself immensely. I love reading about your experiences, and your family seems lovely. I've especially enjoyed some of your bonus features.

But this?

This is pure genius.

Mixed in with a bit of magic.

I'm too lazy to check the science -- besides, everything you read on the internet can be trusted, right? But suffice it to say, the next time one of my kids expresses any doubt about Disney magic, I am now prepared to slice and dice their questions/doubt/Snope-engaged minds with the information you've provided here.

Pure genius.

Thank you, and keep writing!
Thanks! I had fun putting that one together.

Oh, by the way…


I enjoy meeting those few folks that are actually reading my foolishness.

Again I must apologize for the lack of updates, but the outside (non-Disney) world has been getting in the way. We’ll se how thing go this week and hopefully this trend will start to turn around in the near.

Thanks for following along

Bravo, Rob. You've really outdone yourself with this bonus feature. Highly creative and imaginative...great work!
Apology time…
An odd mixture of work, extenuating circumstances and life in general has conspired to keep me off the boards for a while now. I’d like to promise y’all an update, but the last couple of times I tried that, things started getting in the way. I will say that I’m going to start on one today, but I don’t know exactly when it will get finished. This evening or tomorrow would be the goal, but I just don’t know.

So in the mean time…
Remember when I said there was another movie related theme running through this TR? Well it’s still there an I’ll toss out another hint about it just to see if anyone is still reading along. I said it was in plain sight, and that is true. It’s in the various chapter titles that have made up this TR thus far. Can any one else spot it or am I just being way too obscure (and showing my age at the same time)?

Here’s a copy of the table of contents to look over (I swear it’s right out there in the open… if you’re a movie fan)

Chapter 1: The Players
- Part 1: Who Are You?
- Part 2: Signorinas and Fräuleins
- Part 3: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise…

Chapter 2: The Set-Up
- Part 1: Getting To Know You
- Part 2: What’s a “fish” and why does it need “extending”?
- Part 3: Details… Details…

Chapter 3: The Hook
- Part 1: The Journey Commences
- Part 2: Interstate Blues
- Part 3: Castillo de San Marcos
- Part 4: The Ramparts of Fort Marion
- Part 5: Welcome to the Rad

Chapter 4: The Tale
- Part 1: Shuttle Launch
- Part 2: Terminal Velocity
- Part 3: “Experiment 627”
- Part 4: A Room With a View
- Part 5: Navi-s & Mag-s (Day-1)
- Part 6: T minus 5… 4… 3…
- Part 7: “Please come back… I’ll give you five bucks!”
- Part 8: I ate What?
- Part 9: Turned Down

Chapter 5: more of “The Tale”
- Part 1: Navi-s & Mag-s (Day-2)
- Part 2: Land Ho…
- Part 3: All Ashore (but not that way)
- Part 4: Beached
- Part 5: You must be hungry…
- Part 6: Mirror, Mirror…
- Part 7: Sea Turtles?... Aye, Sea Turtles…

Chapter 6: In the midst of: “The Tale”
- Part 1: Navi-s & Mag-s (Day-3)
- Part 2: Swinging for the Green
- Part 3: Sizing Up the Competition
- Part 4: Caught in the Act
- Part 5: Inner Sanctum
- Part 6: Ad Victor Spolia

Chapter 7: The tail of: “The Tale”
- Part 1: Navi-s & Mag-s (Day-4)
- Part 2: Taking time to smell the flowers
- Part 3: Where Forth Art Thou
- Part 4: The Calm Before the Storm
- Part 5: A Little Night Music
- Part 6: Highfalutin
- Part 7: Are you noticing a pattern here?

Chapter 8: The Wire
- Part 1: Navi-s & Mag-s (Day-5)
- Part 2: Alone
- Part 3: Dizzying Heights
- Part 4: Unknown Knowns
- Part 5: The Journey to Come
- Part 6: Trials, Triumphs and Bittersweet Rewards
- Part 7: Crossroads

Chapter 9: The Shutout
- Part 1: See Ya’ Real Soon
- Part 2: Charting a New Course
- Part 3: A Room With a View… Sort’a
- Part 4: The Lay of the Land
- Part 5: Decisions, Decisions…
- Part 6: Rapid Oxidation

Have you found it yet?
Hey, a daily dose of cheese is a good thing.

Just ask Barry.

Oh no you didn’t!

You realize that this question now demands that I reply in the form of a bonus feature. I’ll get beck to you on this in just a moment but be warned…

This one will be entirely you’re fault.


As a Wisconsinite and a man that has spent a good bit of time on dairy farms, you are well aware that all animals have a natural capacity to produce prodigious amounts of methane.
Yup. And it smells like cow farts.

Y’all feel free to check me on the rest of the science as well if you like.
Nope, looks like you have everything accounted for. :thumbsup2

Excellent work, Rob, excellent work.
Yup. And it smells like cow farts.

That and brimstone.

Nope, looks like you have everything accounted for. :thumbsup2

Excellent work, Rob, excellent work.

Thank you sir. I had fun with that one.

Bill and Ted's Excellant Adventure? No?

How about Peter Pan?

Obviously I made my reference too obscure. My bad, but no biggie…
The film I was hoping someone would pick up on was the 1973 classic: The Sting.

The titles of each chapter in the little ol’ TR were following (more or less) the chapter heading used to divide up each section of that film.

Chapter 1: The Players
Chapter 2: The Set-Up
Chapter 3: The Hook
Chapters 4-7: The Tale
Chapter 8: The Wire
Chapter 9: The Shutout

And of course…
Chapter 10 will be: The Sting

Well… mystery solved.
Rather anticlimactic eh?

But now you know what the theme will be for this last chapter.
Now let’s see if I can get it done before the end of May.
(What do you figure the odds are on that one? :rolleyes: )

Chapter 10: The Sting
(Day 7 -Saturday)

Part 1: Are You Awake Yet?


‘Morning all!

And ain’t it a lovely morning?

Well actually… it is. Except for one little detail; it’s our last day in paradise. Tomorrow, we have to pack it in and head it on up the road. That’s the “sting” in the tail of any trip to anywhere. It’s almost like an elaborate con; a game where the deck was stacked so cunningly that you were almost compelled to “go all in”. We’re nothing more then foolish marks being played by some sly grifter. Our own weaknesses are being used against us and yet…

We love every minute of it.

Sooner or later though, it will all come crashing down around us. Our ever present work-a-day lives will have to be attended to once more. But (and this is a crucial “but)… but, we do still have today to play in the sun.

One more chance to game the system…

to turn the right card…

to make the quick move…

to really enjoy the world around us….

One more glorious day.


Ok you’s guys… here’s the set up for the day: A bit of breakfast, a look around somewhere new, some time on the water, some time in the water, a good stretch of the legs, a spot o’ “linner”, and some time to putter around. That’s really all we would be doing today, so now you know the gist of it. Given that, you can just stop reading now if you’re so inclined. But if details are what you’re after, you know I’ll supply ‘em…

in nauseating abundance.

So let’s get started already. We’re burnin’ daylight don’t ya’ know.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Being as we still didn’t have park tickets (nor the extra funds with which to acquire such), we were not in any great hurry this morning. The plain English translation of that last sentence would be: “we took the opportunity to sleep in a bit”. Of course I was still up before everyone else, but at least it wasn’t while the sun was still lurking below the horizon. Once we were all up and about though it was time for a little bit of breakfast and for what would be a rather unexpected culinary discovery. First things first though... we have a boat to catch.

As you’re already well aware, the Wilderness Lodge is a beautiful place, and just to belabor the point a bit farther here are some of the sites that greeted us on the way down to the boat dock.


Truth be told, Spanish moss doesn’t really make me think of the great national parks of the American West… but it is right pretty.


A little bit o’ nature…


A beautiful scene to contemplate while waiting for our conveyance…


…and our launch approaches.


There are boats of varying sizes that service all of the resorts in the vicinity of the Magic Kingdom and different vessels will travel slightly different routs. Generally speaking, there will be a small flag (or more precisely: a pennant) of a specific color flying at the prow of each boat and that color will tell you where that vessel is headed. The one we caught that morning was headed here…


It was a little tough arriving right at the pearly gates of the mighty MK and not heading triumphantly toward the turnstiles, but that just wasn’t going to be happening. The plan this day was to catch the resort loop monorail, and that we did. This was also the first time I actually saw this particular view of one of these iconic vehicles…


An empty cabin!
(a rare site indeed)

A moment or two later and we pulled out of the station heading clockwise around the Seven Seas Lagoon. As such, the first thing you see after passing by the train station and the front gates would be this minor attraction…


Followed immediately by this venerable resort…


After a stop to pick up folks at the Contemporary and then a second at the TTC, we arrived at the “Poly” (our actual destination for the morning) and were lavishly greeted in the upper lobby of the Ceremonial House by these two fellows…


The Polynesian is the second most senior resort on property, has one of the most loyal followings, and is flat out one of the most beautiful…


But I’m getting ahead of myself so let me save images of that type for a bit.
First, it’s time for breakfast….


Welcome to the Kona Café!!!


As my habit throughout this TR has been to include the menu for each venue, I might as well continue on with that trend. So here’s what you’ll be offered up for breakfast at the Kona:

Kona Cafe
Breakfast Menu

Tonga Toast
Banana stuffed sourdough bread, rolled in cinnamon sugar
served with Strawberry Compote and your choice of ham, bacon, or sausage

Big Kahuna
French toast, Pancakes topped with Pineapple sauce and Macadamia Nut Butter,
eggs, home fried potatoes, ham, bacon, and sausage

Two Eggs Your Way
with home fried potatoes, a biscuit,
and choice of ham, bacon or sausage

Macadamia Pineapple Pancakes
with macadamia nut butter, pineapple sauce
and your choice of ham, bacon or sausage

with choice of ham, bacon or sausage

French Toast
with choice of ham, bacon or sausage

Steak and Eggs
A char-grilled New York Strip steak served with two eggs,
home-fries potatoes, and biscuit

Ham and Cheese Omelet
with home-fried potatoes and a biscuit

Blueberry Pancakes
with choice of ham, bacon or sausage

The Somoan
poached eggs with Hollandaise served over smoked pulled pork hash

Fruit Plate
fresh seasonal fruit served in a pineapple with banana nut bread

Fresh Fruit Cup Side Dish


100% Kona Coffee French Press Pot

Kona Blend Coffee



Cafe Latte

Cafe Mocha

Orange juice, Apple juice, Cranberry juice, Tomato juice,
Pineapple juice and Grapefruit juice

Kona Cocktails

Wasabi Mary
Absolut Peppar Vodka, wasabi, spices and tomato juice

sparkling wine and orange juice

Non-Alcoholic Specialties

Glowing Character Punch
Minute Maid Lemonade punch served in a souvenir cup
with a glowing Disney Character Clip on light

Mega Berry Smoothies
raspberry puree and nonfact yogurt blended
with Odwalia berries

Lilikoi Juice
passion fruit, orange and guava blend

Take a home a bag: Whole Bean or Ground

Kona Blend - $15.00
100% Kona - $40.00

(process as on January 2012)

The trademark item on that there list (the one that most folks rave about); that would be the Tonga Toast and it is worth the price of admission to be sure. Tamara gave that a whirl and declared it to be most excellent. The boy went for the “Big Kahuna” (fittingly) and basically had a little bit of everything (a good choice if you’re plenty hungry but don’t really know what you want). Now, as for me… well as y’all know; I are a carnivore. Given that fact one would expect me to go for the Steak and Eggs and on any other day you’d have been correct. But this was different. I was feeling like I needed something with more of a South Pacific flare about it yet hearty and comforting. So, I ordered up something completely different and it ended up changing the way my family will now be approaching the Kona form this point forward.

Let me offer up three words here:




No, really…

When these apparitions arrive at your table, the first thing you need to do is have the server take the syrup right back into the kitchen. Trust me; you really don’t want to be damaging anything as delicate and savory as these lovely bits of griddle-tastic deliciousness with mere boiled tree sap (no matter how good said sap might be). The cakes themselves were nearly flawless and the bits of macadamia show up in ones or twos within each bite acting like explosions of flavor as you encounter them. All that said, the real win here (and I’m serious about this) was the crushed pineapple sauce that crowned the stack like a golden snow glazing the Himalayas. My word! This stuff ain’t anything like the lackluster chunks that you’ve ever attempted to liberate form a can or even like the goo that comprises the center layer of your great aunt’s famous Thanksgiving Day casserole. No sir. This was nirvana to the point of even outshining (dare I say…) a Dole Whip. The combination was a near perfect blend of sweet, savory, acid and crunch that was all the better when combined with a bit of the excellent ham that tagged along as a side dish. Everyone at the table tried bites of this as well and as a result I spent the rest of the meal having to fend off errant forks heading toward my plate. We’ve unanimously declared this dish to be the real hidden jewel at the Kona. I honestly can’t wait to go back down there and have another plate of this fabulousness.


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Exploring the Realm

After one marvelous meal and a few cups of some very fine coffee, the talk turned to what adventure should be next on the list for the day. The decision was made that since we were here, we might as well explore the grounds of the Polynesian itself. This is one of Disney’s premiere destinations and a spot on the map which I’d never explored. Also, being as the place is just a might on the pricy side, I may not be getting back here very soon either (well, other then to get at some more of those pancakes of to hit the Ohana buffet that is).

As you already have seen, the “Ceremonial Long House” is quite the beautiful spot. The first floor is dominated my an indoor waterfall and lush tropical flora


The theme continues in spectacular fashion as you travel outside and though out the property



The feature pool is also a veritable feast for the eyes, but you’d really expect no less of Disney now would you?


Just beyond the pool is a beach area that fronts the Seven Seas Lagoon and offers a truly fine view of the boats and ferries that ply the waters and of course the enchanting sites that are just off in the distance…


There are a couple of quiet pools as well and numerous additional water features scattered across the grounds…


The architecture is whimsical and perfectly suited to con us less well traveled individuals into believing that just maybe we really are roaming a tropical isle…


At every turn we’d encounter another lovely quiet spot where one could escape the mid summer heat and just melt into the landscape


…and given the Poly’s strategic location at the southwest corner of the resort loop, one is never very far form Disney’s iconic modes of inter-park travel or two of it’s most beloved destinations


Were it not for the fact that I actually know that there is a real Hawaii which beckons us to visit in the future (and even a Disney destination hidden amongst that chain of Pacific Emeralds), I could almost make myself believe (just for a moment mind you) that this small corner of WDW was the actual paradise that I’d long read and heard about.

Like Polynesian sirens…

The place just reaches out and calls to you.

(and such calls are hard to resist)


That and brimstone.

The film I was hoping someone would pick up on was the 1973 classic: The Sting.

I love that movie too! Very nice Rob!!:worship: You’ve thought out everything in advance and you are to be commended

Once again, excellent TR update. Since I’m reading this and it is almost lunch time here, I now have a rumbly in my tumbly and no Macadamia Nut Pancakes. No sap, got it! Good call.
Obviously I made my reference too obscure. My bad, but no biggie…
The film I was hoping someone would pick up on was the 1973 classic: The Sting.

D'oh! If I'd looked at the chapter headings before now, I might actually have picked up on that. Great movie.

Well actually… it is. Except for one little detail; it’s our last day in paradise.

Already? :sad1:

Truth be told, Spanish moss doesn’t really make me think of the great national parks of the American West… but it is right pretty.

Yeah, I'm willing to let it slide, too.

It was a little tough arriving right at the pearly gates of the mighty MK and not heading triumphantly toward the turnstiles, but that just wasn’t going to be happening.

I know that feeling. So close, and yet so far.

Welcome to the Kona Café!!!

:woohoo: Excellent choice. :thumbsup2

So, I ordered up something completely different and it ended up changing the way my family will now be approaching the Kona form this point forward.

Getting right adventurous now, aren't we?

All that said, the real win here (and I’m serious about this) was the crushed pineapple sauce that crowned the stack like a golden snow glazing the Himalayas. My word!

I think pineapple may be on the short list of substances (like bacon) that make everything better.

This was nirvana to the point of even outshining (dare I say…) a Dole Whip.

Whoa, hold on there Rob. Did you try a Dole Whip on your pancakes? Because I don't think it's a fair statement otherwise.

After one marvelous meal and a few cups of some very fine coffee,

Kona, of course. :thumbsup2

Just beyond the pool is a beach area that fronts the Seven Seas Lagoon and offers a truly fine view of the boats and ferries that ply the waters and of course the enchanting sites that are just off in the distance…

If I ever get independently wealthy, I'll stay at the Poly someday. I don't think the theming is quite as good as WL or AKL, but it's a beautiful place.

Were it not for the fact that I actually know that there is a real Hawaii which beckons us to visit in the future (and even a Disney destination hidden amongst that chain of Pacific Emeralds)

Got a trip planned we don't know about? :confused3
Never seen The Sting... :rolleyes1

Great update, I'm too tired and lazy and too far behind to multi quote and comment, but since you're my nemesis, I won't worry about it for too long. :rotfl2::lmao:
Great update (yes, I'm back!!!).

Love the Poly--my favorite deluxe (if you don't count AKL Kidani which I consider DVC since that's how I stayed).

We went to Kona for the first time last year and fell in love with the food and the pressed pot coffee; so much so that we are going back in September.


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