~The NeverEnding Story:TR-Turned-Baby-Turned-Pre-TR~LINK TO NEW PRE-TR...p189


You feel the love and the want from the minute you hear the news, but there is nothing like the moment your little miracle makes their debut. I never in a million years dreamed that I could love Greyson any more than I did when I first found out I was pregnant, but the minute I saw him, I realized I was more in love with him than I ever could have expected. Enjoy every moment, even the tough ones. There is nothing better in this world!
awwww I am looking forward to future posts on him growing and you planning his first trip to DISNEY!:yay:
Congratulations!!!!! Seth is adorable and I love that last picture you posted of the three of you with the nurse in the background. My Ellie was 5 lbs, 15 oz at birth and 19.5 inches so very close in size. We were in Newborn clothes for a good 6-8 weeks, then started the 0-3 months and was quickly in 3 months clothes after that. Just thought I would let you know - we ended up needing to borrow a few Newborn items from friends. She did wear Preemie clothes for about 2 weeks, too, that we borrowed from a friend.

You all are such a cute family:goodvibes

PS - that was a very quick labor for your first! It was almost the same as my labor with Ellie, I was 5 cent when I got to the hospital, but water broke at the hospital right after checking in, then she was born 2 hours later. It is so funny how many similarities there are.
Congratulations to you and Ray on the arrival of your beautiful baby boy, and for a fairly easy birth! I remember all the stories I heard about being in labor for days with your first child, but like you, my experience was only a few hours and my dear daughter was born. Enjoy this amazing time with your own little miracle! I love the look on your face in the last photo you posted, that smile really says it all.

Congratulations, Dawn and Ray! Seth is a cutie! I am sure you both are so thrilled to have him here finely! :yay:
Best wishes!

i will leave you with this picture. it's one of my favorites! :love:


Dawn that's just the sweetest picture ever! :goodvibes
i just hope it lasts!

:lmao: I remember calling the Doctor the day after we brought DD home because she only woke up once that first night and I thought something was wrong with her. Well, it lasted all of that one night :) after that it was every two hours :eek: I didn't get much sleep that first couple of weeks!!
ray is over the moon. he told me yesterday that he had no idea he would feel the way he does about our little guy and of course i feel the same way. :lovestruc

Isn't is just the most wonderful thing ever!!!???

i will leave you with this picture. it's one of my favorites! :love:


What an AWESOME picture!!! Just beautiful :littleangel:

I had so much fun updating your report! Thanks for letting me do it!! The other night I went back to Will's birthday and read everything you had put on there for me :goodvibes

Brought back lots of fun memories, and put me in your current shoes. I got a little misty eyed looking over everything and thinking about myself, Matt and Will and you, Ray, and Seth. It's just amazing! And I was SO glad you were able to be experiencing the same thing I just had a few months ago :hug:

I can't WAIT to see you and to meet him!!!
i'm doing well - just still very sore but i'm getting better each day. ray is over the moon. he told me yesterday that he had no idea he would feel the way he does about our little guy and of course i feel the same way. :lovestruc

THANK YOU so much to everyone who posted pictures and updates for me! i really appreciate it. i will share some pics and more details once i get them uploaded. hopefully within a few days but we will see how things are going! we are just very busy with visitors and getting things organized and of course feeding/burping/changing/cuddling/sleeping/etc! :rotfl:

i will leave you with this picture. it's one of my favorites! :love:


Awww, I am so happy for you guys!!! I wish you could have seen my face when I got the text. We were at the lake this past weekend and I just happened to grab my phone and immediately I started squealing!! I was so excited!!! Then when I would get a picture, I just had to show Hollie, Chad, my mom, my sister, etc. Seth is just adorable!!

That picture is so sweet!!! It just brings tears to my eyes!! I know you both are just over the moon!! :goodvibes

I will have to come and see you soon so Seth can meet his girlfriend!! lol
Love love love that picture of the 3 of you! Made me a little misty eyed to be honest...can't wait to experience it myself.

Funny what you said about Ray...in Juno, the Jennifer garners character said that a woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant and the guy becomes a father and feels that connection after the baby is born. I think that's true to a point-totally not saying you guys out there don't love the babies in your wives bellies though! But that bond comes once they are born whereas the mommy feels it immediately. I remember when my niece was born...my mom and I were literally outside the delivery room, heard her first cry and moments later, my 215 lb, former football player, cop and overall stoic man, came out bawling and bursting with pride while giving us hugs.

Looking forward to updates on the 3 of you (don't you just lve that...3 now!) and hope things keep going well!
Absolutely the best picture of you guys as a family! Isn't it amazing to see how instantly a new little one can change your whole life and your DH "gets" it after 9 months? :love: Glad to hear you're feeling well and Seth is being well behaved!
I had a feeling that you might have had the baby over the holiday weekend. Congratulations Dawn and Ray!! Seth is beautiful, glad all went well with the delivery.
Congratulations Dawn and Ray. I am so happy that Seth is here and doing well. You have so many fun times ahead of you. Thanks for sharing your pictures, Seth is beautiful. I love his going home picture and the picture of the 3 of you.
On my, I'm all teary eyed! I'm so very happy for you and Ray! Congrats on your precious boy! Enjoy every single minute as they grow up overnight! My precious girl is turning 14 this month! I look back on those early years, toddler years, elementary school years and think I didn't maybe "smell the roses" enough! It goes by that fast!
Dawn, I'm glad you are doing well, and that little Seth is so good! I was surprised at how fast it happened for you! You are a beautiful family. :lovestruc

ray is over the moon. he told me yesterday that he had no idea he would feel the way he does about our little guy and of course i feel the same way. :lovestruc

Next week, you will love him even more than you do right now.
And the next week, the same thing happens again.
It's the craziest thing! ;) :love:

Sometimes, you will just hold him or watch him sleep and tears will stream down your face. You just think you might explode with happiness and love. It's not anything you can explain to people - you just have to live it to comprehend it.

Glad he got a good report at the doctor. :)


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