A bachelor party, a wedding, and a birthday - That was an eventful week (Updated 6/13)

Wow I am impressed you went back for more!
I sure hope you feel better the next day!
Soft serve yum! I didn’t know they had that there!
I love MMRR and TSM!
I bet all that spinning on TSMM really did you in. But I'm glad you were able to power through and visit 3 of the 4 parks. That's no small feat!

I totally understand Scotty. I'm a Joey, too. My kids learned that by, like, age 3. :rotfl:

I had no idea Pop had soft serve, either. There's nothing like classic vanilla.
I’m joining in!

What a shame that you got sick right before your big trip. You held in there very well and were such a trooper! I love your coordinated shirts on your 4-parks day and glad you were able to have some fun despite how you felt. I hope you felt a whole lot better the following day.

And darn it, I forgot about the spinning on TSM! I don’t mind spinning so I didn’t even think about it… but my spin-adverse husband may not be a fan. I’ll have to keep this in mind on our Hollywood Studios day.
Wow I am impressed you went back for more!
I sure hope you feel better the next day!
Soft serve yum! I didn’t know they had that there!
I love MMRR and TSM!
Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know about the soft serve at Pop. And yeah...I had to go back for more. My momma didn't raise no quitters! Ok, actually, it's the strong feeling of guilt about not being there for Scotty's whole day that had me up and out.
I bet all that spinning on TSMM really did you in. But I'm glad you were able to power through and visit 3 of the 4 parks. That's no small feat!

I totally understand Scotty. I'm a Joey, too. My kids learned that by, like, age 3. :rotfl:

I had no idea Pop had soft serve, either. There's nothing like classic vanilla.
Ahh...the Joey's of the world. Gotta love them. Are you kids that way too?

Ok, now that more of us didn't know about the soft serve at Pop, I'm thinking it must be relatively new. I hope it stays though. Somehow, I always crave soft serve at Disney and I almost never get it. Now I can pick it up at my resort. Unless, of course, I accidentally go to Petals first and get a Pina Colava.
I’m joining in!

What a shame that you got sick right before your big trip. You held in there very well and were such a trooper! I love your coordinated shirts on your 4-parks day and glad you were able to have some fun despite how you felt. I hope you felt a whole lot better the following day.

And darn it, I forgot about the spinning on TSM! I don’t mind spinning so I didn’t even think about it… but my spin-adverse husband may not be a fan. I’ll have to keep this in mind on our Hollywood Studios day.
Welcome!!! And yeah...TSM spinning. I always forget how much spinning there is. Of course, I think it FELT like more this particular day.
Day Two - Part One
Lindsey and Stacy Day

Tuesday was set to be just a Lindsey and Stacy day. Scotty had to do in-law stuff and also pick up some wedding guests from the airport. Lindsey's husband didn't arrive until late afternoon Wednesday so we originally planned this day to be just the 2 girls, hitting the parks. Lindsey and I have been meeting up for trips in Disney since 2018 or 2019 I think. We were really looking forward to this day because it may be the last time for a while - Lindsey recently got married and bought a house and she and her husband are getting ready to start trying for kids. It's so weird that here I am...the old lady of the group and both Scotty and Lindsey's former professor and both of them are now married and homeowners while I continue my single carefree life. Well, someone has to be the adultier adult I guess. :rotfl2:

Our plan for today was to start at Hollywood Studios with a ressie for Oga's at 1:30. We might park hop after that and then we were going to meet up with her mom and sister that evening for dinner at City Works in Disney Springs. For as long as I have known Lindsey, I've never actually met her mom and her sister. Since we were all together in Disney for the first time, Lindsey's mom said "I want to meet Stacy. She's been an important person in your life for 10 years and we've never actually met." I was in!

We got up really early so we could do early entry and bought LL for the day. I think our first LL reservation was for Falcon. I still wasn't feeling right. The cold seemed to be getting better but I was still super nauseous. Lindsey grabbed a breakfast bar and packed some snacks for later. And then she looked at me and said "Pack a snack. You might get hungry at some point." Right...good plan. I made some Spark and grabbed an extra water and off we went to the Skyliner.

The line for the Skyliner was pretty long this morning...back to the middle of the 2nd building I think but it always moves fast. We were on it and over to the transfer at Carribean Beach probably in 20 minutes of getting in line. And this is where we found another indicator of lower crowds...we were able to walk straight over to the Studios line and get right on a gondola. Any time I have ever gone, I have ALWAYS had to get in another line at CB and wait to get on the Studios section. Usually that line wraps around and down the ramp. I said something about this to Lindsey and she said "Shhh...don't jinx us." Point taken, friend.

I think we tapped in to the park about 5 minutes before early entry actually started. We headed to Rise and on the way, noticed it was down. After a brief discussion, we decided to head that way anyway. Maybe it just hadn't opened yet?? We got there and they were letting people in so we jumped in line and started going through the long que. We never stopped moving until we got to the point where they separate you into groups. As always, the Empire officers recognized a fellow villain and came over to talk to me. And, as always, I pointed out a traitor to the Empire in another group. Because, us villains have to stick together! When we got into the first pre-show room, BB-8 was clearly stalling for time. Lindsey leaned over and said "Rey must not be working. Maybe that's why they weren't up right away." But, after like 3 minutes of just watching BB-8 roll around, Rey finally appeared. My guess is they were stalling to get caught up in the next pre-show room. Anyway, overall the ride was successful and I wasn't bothered by dizziness. Success!!!

We checked wait times and saw that Slinky was only at 30 minutes so we headed that way. Why is that que so HOT??? Even Lindsey got warm enough to take off her long sleeve shirt. We probably waited the full 30 minutes but got on. I do love this ride but I will never wait in a long line for it. Unfortunately, the dizziness came back on this ride. Come on Disney gods...throw me a bone here. Anyway, once we got off, I needed to sit for a bit and drink some water. Lindsey noticed that Swirling Saucers was only a 20 minute wait and she really likes that ride. No way was I going to do a spinning ride. But, this was a win/win. Lindsey could go ride and I would sit in this nice, shady spot I found and people watch. I love to people watch at Disney and can entertain myself for hours so Lindsey jumped in line and I started silently judging people's outfits and footwear choices.

Up next: Do we make it to more than 1 park? Do we make it to Disney Springs for dinner?
Slinky and Rise with low waits...you've already had a successful DHS day and it's barely begun! I don't think I've ever seen Slinky with less than a 60 minute wait, even at park opening. Sorry to hear it brought the dizziness back, though. It's so rough to be sick at WDW.
Slinky and Rise with low waits...you've already had a successful DHS day and it's barely begun! I don't think I've ever seen Slinky with less than a 60 minute wait, even at park opening. Sorry to hear it brought the dizziness back, though. It's so rough to be sick at WDW.
We had really amazing luck early in the week with low crowds all around. Wait times were always do-able. And of all the rides, I didn't really expect Slinky to get me.
Following along! Looking forward to reading more! I hope you started to feel better at some point on your trip, that's no fun at all being sick.
Following along! Looking forward to reading more! I hope you started to feel better at some point on your trip, that's no fun at all being sick.
Hi!!! :wave2: Welcome!! Not to spoil anything coming up...but I did start feeling better! Couldn't be sick for my best friend's wedding!!!
Day Two - Part Two
Stacy and Lindsey day continues

We left off with Lindsey doing Swirling Saucers and the old, sick lady taking a rest. The wait time was pretty accurate for this and about 20 minutes later, Lindsey came off the ride. It was time for our Falcon LL so we headed back in to Batuu. On the way, we stopped at the Droid shop. Did I mention Lindsey is a shopper?? She found some pins that she liked but wanted to wait to buy.

We headed over to the Falcon and scanned in. We walked straight through to where they set groups. We didn't even stop for Hondo in the pre-show room. We got matched up with some other folx and ended up as gunners. Honestly, I'm all for this. I HATE being a pilot. I am just not good at flying that darn ship and it is too much pressure because the ride experience of everyone else in your group depends on how well you fly. Plus, this time, I didn't want to chance getting even more dizzy. There was a mom and daughter piloting and they did a decent job. At the end, they asked me to take a picture of them in their seats. I always love taking pictures for others so I took a couple of shots of them and we moved on.

When we got off the ride, we stopped to look at what else we could book with LL. At this point, everything had afternoon return times and we didn't plan to stay in Studios that long. Hmm...what to do? We talked a bit about what we wanted to do for the afternoon and we just couldn't come up with a plan. So, we looked at what we had left to accomplish in the park. Rockin Roller coaster was down for refurb and we had done MMRR and Toy Story Midway yesterday. That basically left Tower and Star Tours. Now, I LOVE Tower and never pass up a chance to ride BUT what was that going to do to my dizzy/nausea?? Lindsey doesn't love Tower but will ride it once each trip if others want to do it. And thus, we decided to pass on Tower. Look at me, being an adult. That left Star Tours which Lindsey LOVES. And off we went. Oh wait, I do think we were able to book a LL for an immediate return time for this. Do you need an LL for Star Tours? Pretty much never but we had paid for it so we were going to use it.

We walked right through and up to where they split you to your pods. We got the last two seats in the back row of ours. While we waited through the "rules" I started to wonder if this was a good idea. I mean, Slinky made me dizzy. What was this ride going to do to me??? But we were already in line and Lindsey wanted to ride so let's do it. We are in, belted, and glasses on. As we take off, I immediately realize that I have chosen poorly. Barely in the air and I was like "Please don't let me vomit on the ride. Please." So, I closed my eyes and held on for dear life. Lindsey tells me we got some of the new scenes but I have no memory of any of it. Hmm...another reason to have to go back at Thanksgiving.

As we were walking out, Lindsey said "Wow. You are super pale. You ok????" Nope. Not in the least. She then said "You know I have to shop here. Why don't you go find a place to sit down and I'll find you in a few?" Good plan friend. I walk out of the store and look around for a place to just sit down. There really isn't anything in that area but I looked down toward the Tap House and saw an open spot on the wall. And there was a new food stand on the corner across from Tap House. So I headed there, got a bottle of water and sat on the wall. Lindsey shopped and stopped in the bathroom and then headed my way. It was about 11am at this point and Lindsey was hungry. I was not but I'm always game to hang. Lindsey really wanted Docking Bay 7 for lunch so we headed back to Batuu.

Once inside, Lindsey headed up to order and I found a table. Since it was so early, there were a lot of tables open (which never happens in my experience.) It didn't take Lindsey long to get food (and she sweetly got me another bottle of water.) I think she had the chicken with mac and cheese and broccoli. (I just realized that I didn't take ANY pictures for this entire day. Bad trip reporter.) Once she was done eating, it was 11:30. Our Oga's ressie wasn't until 1:30. What the heck were we going to do for 2 hours? That's really too much time to kill (without doing some rides) in the park but too short to go back to Pop. And giving up our Oga's ressie was NOT going to happen. This is a tradition for our trips and had to happen.

We decided to head over and see if they could move us up to an earlier time. The very nice check in person looked for a bit and then said she could get us in in about 20 minutes if we were willing to wait. Absolutely!!! I looked at Lindsey and said "Did you want to get those pins at the Droid Depot? You probably have time to run over there. I'll just sit on the wall over there." Good plan. We had no sooner finished that conversation when the host called "Stacy, party of 2? Stacy, party of 2." There was no way that was us. She had said 20 minutes not 20 seconds. She called it again so we turned around and headed over. Umm...do you mean us?? Yep, come on in.

It was really packed in Oga's today. I haven't seen it this busy since before the pandemic. We got 2 spots at the bar and started looking at the menu (although we pretty much have it memorized.) I decided that alcohol was not a good plan not only because of how I was feeling but also because I had not eaten since Sunday at 7:30pm and it was now Tuesday at 11:45. Alcohol, dizzy, and no food do not mix. So, I had water and Lindsey got the first of 2 Outer Rims. When I ordered water, the bartender kind of rolled his eyes. Look sir, I would love to drink but I don't think you want me throwing up on your bar. And also, I'm going to tip you like I had a drink but to be fair, he didn't know that. Oh wait, I DID get a picture this day.
Lindsey - Stacy Ogas.jpg

Shortly after this, there was some kind of announcement and the DJ quickly switched music and the bartenders came to attention. And then some storm troopers came in. In all of my Oga's visits, I have never seen this. The troopers went through the room, asking for ID and questioning people. Super fun and immersive!
Storm trooper.jpg

We finished up and paid. (I tipped $5 for taking up space at the bar. I have been a server. I know that he could have made money on someone else standing in my spot. Even with the eye roll, I wasn't going to stiff him.) It was about 12:30 now. We decided to head out and go back to Pop to rest for a bit. We stopped to get Lindsey's pins and then headed to the Skyliner. Back at the room, we both crawled into bed. Lindsey actually napped. I checked work email and read.

Up next: City Works and family meet???
I think I had the same virus as you after my trip, cold symptoms then icky nauseated 🤢 for two days yuck! I was glad to be home. You were a trooper still doing things in the park. No way for me.
I wish Storm Troopers would have come in Oga’s for us, very cool!
I think I had the same virus as you after my trip, cold symptoms then icky nauseated 🤢 for two days yuck! I was glad to be home. You were a trooper still doing things in the park. No way for me.
I wish Storm Troopers would have come in Oga’s for us, very cool!
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry you got sick!!! But yep, that sounds like exactly what I had. I'd say it was the new "Disney sickness" but I had it before I got there.
This is sounding like such a tough day for you. That desire to push through for other people's sakes even though all you want to do is crawl into a bed and go to sleep. I'm glad you were able to get into Oga's earlier. Finding 2 hours to kill in DHS would be hard. I mean, how many times could you go sit through Muppets?

Day Two - Part Three
We add in Lindsey's Family

We last left off resting after a morning in Studios. The plan for the evening was to meet up with Lindsey's mom and sister at Disney Springs for dinner at City Works. When Lindsey woke up, we found that plans had changed. Mom and sis had arrived and checked in at their hotel and had found their way to Epcot. Did we want to meet them there and cancel dinner? Believe me, I was GREAT with this. I have an intense dislike of Disney Springs to start (and going there 2 times in 1 trip, even if I was feeling well is too much) and I also didn't think I could eat so I didn't really want to sit in a restaurant for 2 hours while others ate. We quickly got up, got ready, grabbed waters, and headed to the Skyliner to head to Epcot.

We entered through the International gateway and made our way through the UK and Canada to get to the "entrance" of World Showcase to meet the fam. Lindsey was texting with her mom to see where they were. Turns out, Lindsey's sister LOVES to do character meets. However, she usually doesn't get to because her tween son does NOT love to meet characters. Since this was a trip without him, she was living her best life and stopping for every single character she saw. Lindsey headed to the nearest booth to get a drink and we sat down to wait. Soon enough, along come mom and sis. As I mentioned earlier, I had never actually met either one so quick introductions were made. We then had to stop in one of the festival stores so sis could get the Flower and Garden hunt booklet (was that the egg one??? I clearly have forgotten)

We then started around world showcase toward Mexico, stopping to look at the menus on all of the food booths. When originally planning this trip, I was excited about flower and garden and had a list of foods and drinks I wanted to try. Sadly, it was clear that, for me, this was not going to happen today. We also ran into Mirabel (I think) and Donald in his Mexican garb so stopped for photos and autographs. For me, this was mostly just walking along and then sitting while people waited in line for food or characters. But, it was good to be out, it was a lovely afternoon/early evening, and I was with fun people so all was good.

It became clear to me when we got to Japan that I was pretty much at the end of my energy. After Lindsey and fam went in to shop in Japan, we talked about plans for the rest of the evening. I think it was probably about 6pm or so at this point. They were going to keep going around world showcase and then maybe jump to Magic Kingdom for fireworks. There was no way I was going to be able to handle that and I decided to split off and head back to Pop. I really, REALLY wanted to be feeling better for tomorrow since it was the wedding rehearsal. As I started to head out, Lindsey said "You have to find something to eat. You can't go any longer without food, no matter how you feel." And she wasn't wrong. But what could I get that was pretty bland? I had already searched the Pop food court the day before and there wasn't anything there that I felt would work. Wait a minute...Les Halles in France has baguettes. That sounded perfect.

As I headed into France, I passed my favorite drink stand. Hello Grand Mariner Slushie. But that is not for me right now. I sadly looked at other people sipping on it and then turned to head up to the bakery. It was pretty empty at this time with only 2 guys in front of me. However, one of them spoke a bit of French so all the workers were gathered around, talking with them. So I waited, and waited, and waited. After about 10 minutes, I started to turn around to leave. I simply didn't have the energy to keep waiting and I also didn't want to seem pushy and interrupt. One of the CMs saw me at that point and quickly came over to help. I got my half baguette and some butter and headed back out to the Skyliner. (Look, I remembered this time!!!)

Once back at the room, I slowly started to eat some of the baguette while watching some TV - probably Vanderpump Rules. (Don't judge me. I'm a sucker for all things Bravo.) I ate about half of the baguette and found that I was actually feeling better. About 9pm, I shut off the TV and crawled into bed to go to sleep. I was not planning on setting an alarm for Wednesday morning because we didn't have anywhere to be until the rehearsal at 7pm. Lindsey didn't have park tickets for Wednesday so her plan was to hang and wait for her husband to arrive and then get checked in to their room at Pop. I decided to play it by ear. I left some lights on for Lindsey to see when she got back (she was crashing with me for another night.) and fell asleep quite quickly. I vaguely remember Lindsey coming in much later but that was it for me on this Tuesday.

Up next: A day for solo things. What should I do?
I'm a little late but really enjoying your report.

I'm so sorry you were sick. I'm amazed how you have powered through as much as you have I'm very glad to hear you finally ate something. I'm really hoping you turned the corner on your next day.

My DD is a CM too and I love when she flashes the blue ID at the parking booths too.
I feel like Epcot, especially the World Showcase, is perfect for doing nothing and visiting with people. I'm glad to hear you got some food and were able to eat it. Definitely a good call.
I'm a sucker for VPR, too. My DH knows whenever I'm irritated to just send me a gif with James Kennedy going, "It's not about the pasta!" :rotfl2:


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